Wednesday, August 31, 2011


1846 - 1942

Relationship: Emma Elise (Eliza) Nielsen is my Great Grandmother; her son, Charles Adolph Mangelson is my grandfather; his daughter, Vera Mangelson Christensen is my mother.
              Elisa was born March 27, 1846 in Oolt Sogon, Lindru, Hjorring, Denmark.  She was the first child of Carl Christian and Maren Christensen Nielsen.  She was born at the home of her grandmother, her mother’s mother.  Her parents had lived there since their marriage.  Because Eliza’s grandmother was a widow and lived in a large house, she urged Eliza’s parents to share it with her.

            When Eliza was three or four years of age, her parents were able to secure a home of their own, so they left the grandmother’s home.  Eliza’s grandmother was very good to her, but she didn’t believe in children being idle.  She had a large house and a good sized farm.  She owned quite a number of cattle, so there was plenty for all to do.  Since no fences separated the farms in Denmark, it was the responsibility of each farm owner to keep his cattle on his own land.

            Herding the cattle thus became the responsibility of the children.  The cows were milked at four o’clock in the morning.  The children then herded them until noon, when they were milked again and then herded all afternoon.  The cows were milked a third time just after dark.  When Eliza was six years of age, it became her job to herd the geese.

            Eliza’s grandmother was a devout Lutheran as were her uncles, so Eliza grew up in that religion.  Her grandmother really took her religion seriously.  She would not allow any of the children to work on Sundays or holidays.  The house and farm work had to be completely arranged for the day before.

            In spite of all the work that had to be done on the farm, Eliza’s early home life was very pleasant.  The home, located in the beautiful Danish countryside and known as “Horse Haven”, was always a scene of much fun and frolic on holidays.  New Years was the big celebration of the year in Denmark.  Dancing went on all during the night of New Years Eve. Young boys of the town would go around playing pranks on their neighbors and friends until they were finally invited into homes for beer and cake.

            Christmas was a time of feasting and visiting with old friends.  Eliza’s home was always a gathering place for the young folks of the town at this season.  Much emphasis was given to Christmas Eve in the celebration.  It is likely that Eliza’s traditional celebration of Christmas Eve in her home at Levan, Utah, later on found its origin in these celebrations of her childhood.

            At the age of seven she entered school.  She had to walk a mile to and from school every day.  Eliza attended school until she was fourteen.  The lat year of her schooling she took her lessons from the local priest and studied the Bible.

            Sometime just prior to 1860 Eliza met a young man by the name of Carl Frederick Mangelsen.  His birthplace was in Dronninglund, Hjorring, Denmark.  How long she kept company with Carl we do not know, but she had promised to wait for him until he could be released from the Danish army.  He served as a soldier in the Schleswig Holstein War for four years before he was released to return home.  In the meantime, Eliza remained on the farm with her grandmother and waited impatiently for his return.
                                                       Carl (Charles) Frederick Mangelson

            The young couple was married March 27, 1864 at Colt Sogon, Lindrum, Denmark.  Eliza’s grandmother gave them a big wedding that lasted for two days.  The bridal party rode to the church in carriages, and four horsemen rode by the carriage of the bride and groom.

            The marriage ceremony took place in the Lutheran Church.  People who were invited marched in couples up the center aisle of the Church to the alter where the priest and dean stood.  There they donated what money they could spare to the priest and dean for their services in performing the marriage and in furnishing the music.  After this was taken care of, they returned and took their places on the benches on each side of the center aisle.

            The bride was dressed in a black Damask dress.  She wore a wreath of orange blossoms over her head.  The bridegroom wore a dark suit.  Music for the occasion was provided by the dean, and the young couple was married by the Lutheran priest.  The ceremony took place in the morning.  Immediately afterwards, the company left the church for the bride’s home where the wedding supper was served.  On the way home the horsemen had a race to see who could reach there first.  The winner was to become the best man.

            The wedding supper took considerable time to serve because of the many courses.  A woman had been hired to cook for three days to help prepare the mean.  Many of the eatables were sent to the young couple before the marriage.  No wedding gifts were sent, so no doubt food took the place of gifts.

            After the supper was over everyone went into a room prepared for dancing.  Here they danced until about midnight; then tea, coffee and cake were served.  The dancing continued all night.  In the morning breakfast was served.  If by this time some were tired of dancing, they went into still another room and played cards.  In this manner the celebration lasted until the night of the second day.

            Eliza had many fine clothes, but she was especially proud of her beautiful wedding dress.  She treasured it all of her life; took it to America with her when items to be packed had to pass pretty stringent justification, and kept it for fifty or sixty years as a prized possession.

            Her husband’s uncle gave them a home for a wedding present, and her grandmother gave them a cow and plenty of furniture.  Carl had a good job, so they began their married life in relative comfort and security.

            Soon after their marriage, Eliza’s mother and father joined the Mormon Church.  Because their new religion meant very much to them, it was natural that they would want their daughter and new son-in-law to hear about it.  They were successful in persuading Carl and Eliza to sell their home and move in with them, where they could all study the Mormon religion together.  While living in her parent’s home, Eliza’s first child, a daughter was born August 5, 1865.  She was given the name of Amalie Marie.

            Thus far all had been rosy and happy for Eliza in her married life, but now on the eve of their making the important decision to join the Mormon Church, tragedy struck.  The baby had lived only four months when she was stricken with whooping cough.  Nothing they could do in any way seemed to give relief.  The child died.

            Soon after the little one’s death, Carl’s uncle also passed away and sorrow came to the young couple for a second time.

            In her loneliness, Carl’s aunt who had done so much for him, asked her nephew and his wife to come and live with her.  This they did.  While they were living in the aunt’s home, Eliza’s second child, again a daughter was born January 28, 1867.  They named her Emelia.

            The devotion of Carl’s aunt to her Lutheran religion caused her to be very bitter against the Mormon faith.  She saw it as a challenge to all she believed.  Continued study of the new religion in her home became extremely difficult for the young couple.  Nevertheless they did manage to go on with their search of the Mormon scriptures in spite of the opposition.

            Finally the time came when they were ready to join the new church.  Being baptized while still living in the aunt’s home was out of the question.  It was a difficult situation for them.  They were torn between their loyalty to Carl’s aunt and their determination to become Mormons.  After much soul searching, they moved from the aunt’s home to join again with Eliza’s parents in their home.  Here they would be free to follow their own desires concerning the new religion.  They were baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on February 2, 1867.  One source indicates that Eliza was baptized February 2, 1863.  Anyhow, as soon as they actually became members of the church, the young couple began to think about immigration to America.  Their interest in such a hazardous project was partly due to the information they were receiving about the church and its headquarters in Utah.  But perhaps the desire was fed more by the bitterness of former neighbors and friends toward them.  At any rate, they made up their minds that they wanted to live with those of their new faith in far away Utah.

            As soon as the big decision had been made, Carl and Eliza lost no time in beginning preparations for the journey.  They had to sell their cow, furniture, household goods, and most of the little things that had come to mean so such to them for almost nothing to secure funds necessary for transportation.  With all they could raise, it was still not enough, so they went to Carl’s employer to ask for a loan.

            Eliza could thank this employer for her being enabled to make the move with her husband.  Their plan at first was for Carl to go alone to Utah and then send for Eliza and little Emelia when he had earned and saved enough money for their fare.  But the employer strongly advised against this plan.  To back up his objection, he offered to loan them enough money for the family to make the trip together.  It is likely that the young couple didn’t need much persuading to make this change.  Separating the family would have been extremely difficult and was accepted in the first plan only because there didn’t seem to be any possibility of securing sufficient funds for all to go at the same time.  They were to repay the debt to the employer out of the first money earned in the new country.

            Finally the family set sail for England in the middle of May of 1869.  Here they were to board a steamship for America.  In the little party to embark were Carl, Eliza, little Emelia, Eliza’s oldest brother, Frederick, and a young convert, Christian Fracult.  The first leg of the journey to England was made in a sail ship.  Weather conditions over the North Sea turned out to be extremely bad and after three days of buffeting a rough sea, they had to turn back to Denmark.  Everyone the ship was very ill.  When the weather was better, they finally made the crossing to England.

            The trip to America was a pleasant one.  The weather was good all of the way and one of the party suffered from sea sickness.  They were thirteen days crossing the ocean.

            The ship landed at New York City where Carl and Eliza spent a few days before starting west by train.  They accompanied the first train load of immigrants bound for Utah.  Eliza soon found that opposition to Mormonism was not just concentrated in Denmark and England.  On the trip from New York to Utah people all along the way mocked and jeered at them.  At one time men on horses rode along by the train shouting and cursing the Mormons.  One of the party shot at the train.  The bullet went through the window where Eliza was sitting with the baby in her arms.  The glass from the broken window fell on the seat to the side of them.

            Eliza and Carl were especially worried about their luggage.  That luggage represented all their earthly possessions.  Everything was new and strange to them, and they imagined all kinds of things that could happen to their luggage.

            Each time the train stopped they would rush out to get something to eat.  It was with one of such meals that Eliza tasted her first pie.  She thought it was terrible.

            The railroad journey across the continent ended at a place in Utah called Ogden Hole - - just a short distance from Ogden city.  Here they were met in July of 1869 by friends from Denmark who knew they were coming.  They rested in Ogden for a few days and then headed for Brigham City by team.  Their first job in their newly adopted country was for a man by the name of Jim Hansen.  They lived right in with the family and it was Eliza’s job to spin and weave while her husband worked on the farm.  At the end of one year of hard labor for both of them they received the sum of one hundred dollars which they promptly sent to Denmark in payment of the loan to Carl’s employer.

            All of the family dressed in home woven clothes.  Eliza had occasion to be especially thankful for the good home arts training she had received from her grandmother in Denmark.  This training was especially valuable to her now.  During the first year in America she wove over a hundred and fifty yards of cloth along with her numerous other duties.  She wasn’t feeling too well either during this time, because on July 5, 1870 another child, a son, was born to her.  He was given the name of Charles Adolph.
                                                            Charles Adolph Mangelson

            After the debt in Denmark was paid, the young couple had just enough money left from all they had accumulated to buy a stove and a homemade bed.  They rented a small place and for a time tried to support themselves by odd jobs.

            A man by the name of George Mason offered them a job in his ranch.  They felt confident the Lord was looking out for them.  Mason’s ranch was near the Idaho line, so Carl and Eliza moved again.  Here Eliza found still greater application for all she had learned while growing up with her grandmother.  Each day there was forty pounds of cheese and also butter to make.  The responsibilities were much the same as those encountered in dairy farm life in Denmark.  Good food was plentiful at the ranch and Eliza had a separate room in which she could care for her little family.  For their pay, they were to share in the produce of the ranch.  The big drawback to this arrangement came in turning their share of produce into cash which was always in short supply.

            During the two years Carl and Eliza worked at the Mason ranch another son was born to them on September 16, 1872.  They named him Lorenzo.

            Grandmother and Grandfather had been more satisfied with their work at the Mason ranch than they had been with their first assignment.  The reason they left it after two years was to accept a position at the Stage Coach Station located nearby.  This position offered them and provided a wage of sixty dollars per month; paid in actual money.  It was almost as much monthly as they had received in a whole year on their first job.

            Carl’s new work was to care for the stage horses and to exchange teams during the stage coach stops.  After they had worked at the station for about one year, the schedule changed, and the passengers were to stop at the station for lunch.  Now Eliza had a job too, in addition to caring for her family.  She was assigned to cook meals for the two to three passengers that usually came in on each stage coach as well as the driver.  The passengers were charged fifty cents for their dinner.  There was no fancy cooking.  It was meat, eggs, potatoes, hot biscuits, custard pie and coffee.  By this time Eliza had gotten ore her aversion for pie.  Cooking quarters at the station were rather cramped.  Meals had to be cooked and served in the same room.

            Most of the family’s clothing was home made, but securing articles of clothing such as shoes often presented a problem.  On one occasion Eliza sent to Corinne with a stage driver to get a pair of shoes for Emelia.  When the stage driver brought back the shoes, they were too small.  His comment:  “These damn Mormons, they never can get enough for their money.”

            In 1874 Eliza’s parents came to Utah from Denmark.   (Carl Christian Nielsen and Maren [Mary] Christensen).   They stopped at Sale Lake City to determine where they would try to set up their home.  Since Eliza had not seen her folks for six years, she was anxious to see them now.  Her parents had never seen her two boys.

            Carl and Eliza were fortunate in being able to get a week off from their regular duties, so it was decided the two families would meet together in Salt Lake City.  The young couple took with them the stove they had purchased since they were now using the one at the station.  They also took forty pounds of cheese and a quilt as presents for their parents.  It was a happy reunion and the parents were glad to get the stove, cheese and quilt as it was hard to get started in the new country.  The families visited together for one week before Carl and Eliza had to return to their work at the stage coach station.

            On February 8, 1875, a daughter, Mary Eliza was born.  Now there were four children for Eliza to love and care for in the cramped facilities of the stage coach station.  But she was proud of her fine family of two boys and two girls.

            That spring (1875) the railroad across the continent was completed, so the day of the stage coach was over.  Carl and Eliza were again out of work, but this time they had accumulated a savings account.  In fact they had saved nearly all the money they had earned at the stage coach station.  This money was intended for use in buying a home.

            In the meantime, the Nielsen’s, Eliza’s parents, had settled in Levan, Utah.  They wrote to Eliza and Carl urging them to come to Levan and make their home.  Grandmother and Grandfather wanted to be near their folks, so it was decided they would set up their home in Levan.

            To make the move they purchased a fine team of horses, harness and a wagon.  Then as they passed through Salt Lake City, they purchased as much furniture as they felt they could afford.

            Just across the street from Eliza’s parents in Levan they bought a four-acre lot and a log house.  Now Grandmother at last had a permanent home in the new country.

                                                   Carl and Eliza's Home in Levan, Utah

            But their savings were gone, and there was no work to be had.  The family’s needs for money was real and urgent.  This was a period of severe trial for the young couple, but in spite of their discouragement, they went on with plans to take up land in preparation for a permanent home in Levan.  Carl went back to the Brigham City area to secure temporary employment in order to supply family needs that had to be met.  Eliza stayed in the new home to care for the family during his absence.

            In spite of hard work and times of discouragement, Grandfather and Grandmother always looked upon their newly adopted country as a land of opportunity.  Carl wanted to be American all the way.  In keeping with this desire, he wanted to Americanize his name, so he changed the name Carl to Charles.  He felt this sounded more American.  He also changed the spelling of his last name to Mangelson from the German spelling of Mangelsen.

            The following children were born in Levan:  Charity Matilda, September 23, 1877; Martin Wilford, February 23, 1880; Dora Otilia, July 6, 1882; Edna Christince, December 12, 1884; Fred Vance, March 3, 1887.
                                                           Edna Christince Mangelson

                                                                     Martin Mangelson

            When Emelia or “Millie” as she was known, had the sad misfortune of losing her husband who was killed by lightening, she was left with two small children.  Millie was Eliza’s oldest daughter.  After a few years Millie married Peter Wankier, a man with seven children.  In order to help her, Grandmother took one of her children; a boy named Eric, and raised him in her home until he became a man along with her own nine children.

            Eliza spent most of her time in her home, especially while her children were young.  There was much work to be done in the home for a large family living under pioneer conditions.  She washed and carded wool, made quilts and wove much of the cloth she made into clothes for the family.  She even made suits for her husband and sons in the family’s early days.  There was a total absence of conveniences we know them now, and very few of the family’s needs could be met by purchase.  For the most part these needs were dependent on home production.

            In spite of these obstacles, Eliza was determined to do as well as her American neighbors.  She wanted her children just as neat and well dressed as other children.  Often she sewed most of the night to make this possible.

            During the years her family was at home, Eliza was parent, doctor, nurse, teacher, and counselor to her children.  Even though home duties of preparing food and clothing for a large family must have made heavy demands on her, she still found time and energy to assume these other duties.  The health of her family was a vital concern for Eliza.  It was not possible to hurry off to a specialist with every ailment that came to her children.  She was the family specialist, and in assuming this responsibility she developed all kinds of preventatives and cures to protect her family.  One of her favorite remedies for many ailments was a cup of hot ginger tea.  She justified its use by saying, “If you’re warm on the inside, you’ll be warm on the outside too.”

            Her children heeded and valued her counsel and teaching is attested to by their frequent visits back to the home after they had families of their own. 

            Grandmother was always supportive in the help she gave.  Her sons and daughters-in-law had full confidence in her.  They knew she would never stoop to undermine them in any way.  She was welcome in her children’s home, because she always left a wholesome influence each time she came.  Both Grandmother and Grandfather seemed to understand instinctively the differences between giving encouragement to their children and interfering in their lives.

            By the time Grandmother’s own children were gone and had families of their own, Eliza had become quite proficient as a nurse; although experience was her only teacher.  Her motherly instincts now began to extend into the new families as grandchildren were born.  The hours she spent in assisting at births, no one will ever know.  We do know that her devotion and nursing ability was relied upon and greatly appreciated by her children and their companions.  She assisted at the births of most of her older grandchildren and more than once was alone with the mother at that time, since doctors were often late.  It was a common sight to see Grandmother traveling to and from different parts of town with a shawl covering most of her face.  She had considerable trouble during these years with her eyes and could not stand direct contact of cold or wind on her eyes.

            It was truly a marvel the way she was able to extend herself into the lives of a growing number of grandchildren.  To this younger generation she was knows as “Little Grandma”.   There was a very good reason why she was such a favorite with her grandchildren.  Always interested in whatever they were doing, she was never too busy to spend time individually with each one whenever she was in their homes or when she met them else where.  She was especially concerned about their education and proud that so many of them were getting to college.

            Grandmother had always been a firm believer in education and had urged this need upon her children at a time when there was little concern for schooling among most of her friends and neighbors.  Her children attended school as much as was possible, and two of them became school teachers.

            Both Eliza and her husband, Charles, had mastered the English language to the extent that both wee able to speak the language and also to read and write if effectively.  This achievement opened up the world of learning to them, and they appreciated very much the resultant broadening of their abilities and activities.  Grandmother became a great reader and spent whatever time she could spare in her front room with a book or a magazine.  In later years when her eye sight became too impaired for much reading, she was able to get her granddaughter, Audrey Hansen, to do the reading for her.  After Grandfather’s death in 1923, Audrey spent the nights with her grandmother until finally her family moved into the home.  During this time Audrey did a considerable amount of reading aloud.  One of the books she read was the novel, “A Lantern in Her Hand” by Bess A. Aldrich.  Grandmother especially liked this story because many of the events pretty well paralleled those of her own life.

            She was very much involved in both the fortunes and misfortunes that came to her loved ones. 

“In 1917 when the flu epidemic swept the country, the Gardner families were all seriously ill except Dad.  He was doing his best to care for the stricken family, including Mother.  During this time Grandmother walked across town each day with cooked food planned and prepared to help us toward recovery.  Even more important was the counsel and encouragement she brought to Dad to help him in the difficult role he was trying to assume.  She would meet him at the gate to deliver the food, to learn first hand how we were getting along, and to give whatever help she could.  On each of these visits with Dad she would say, “I think I had better come in today and help,” but Dad would not hear of it.  He was afraid that she, too, would become afflicted.  I do not know how many other families she helped at this time, but many were ill.  It was characteristic of her to put the dangers to her own health in the background.  Her children needed help.  That was all that mattered to her.”

Grandmother’s desire to help others did not stop with her own kin.  For fifty years she served as a Relief Society teacher.  She was a counselor in the Relief Society for many years.  In assuming these responsibilities, she extended her labors of love to many beyond her children and their families.  Children all over town came into the world under her care.  This was no small service because if meant assuming control in the home for a period of ten days until the mother would be permitted to assume her duties.  And this service was almost entirely free.  Most people had no money to pay for the help they received.  When her children at home questioned her being away from home so much in this service, Grandmother’s only reply was, “Well, some one has to do it.”

Often she would be called out in the evening or would have to return home during the night hours.  Then, so she would not be alone in passing homes where dogs were kept, one of her boys was detailed to accompany her home.  It was Christ who said, “Let him who would be great among you be your servant.”  While this injunction was preached regularly from the pulpit, Grandmother lived the doctrine.

In the year 1910, Eliza and her husband completed the sealing of their four eldest children to the family unit for time and eternity.  The sealing took place in the Manti Temple.  All of the younger children were born in the covenant since their parent’s were sealed together in 1875.

            The Mangelson home, like Eliza’s childhood home, was a gathering place for relatives and friends on holiday occasions.  This was especially true at Christmas.  A modified version of old country observance of Christmas Eve was continued in Charles and Eliza’s home.  Their children grew up in this tradition with all it implied.  Gift giving that involved all members of the family, even in the most difficult time, was part of this heritage.  The Christmas Eve festivity continued in the Mangelson home even after the children had moved into homes of their own.

As a child I remember our family traveling to Grandmas in our large bob-sleigh.  In contrast to the bitter cold outside, the house always seemed warm and cozy as I remember.  When we arrived, Grandma’s living room would already be filled with relatives.  Warm Christmas greetings followed the entry of each family, with Grandma going among the guests in her charming way to make everyone welcome.  Great amounts of food, including loaves upon loaves of homemade bread and sweet rolls was always prepared for this occasion.  A delicious banquet was served to the large group that came each time.  After the Christmas meal was cleared away, Grandma would usher us into her parlor where a beautiful Christmas tree was loaded with gifts for all.  The families then enjoyed an evening together until it was time for them to return to their own homes for Christmas observance there.

Finally the time came when the family completely outgrew Grandmother’s home, and the big Christmas festivity had to be discontinued.  But the tradition had been established and the event was simply carried on in each of the children’s homes after the occasions had been adapted to needs of new family units.

Observance of anniversaries found an important place in Grandmother’s life.  She was nearly always present at birthdays of her children and their companions.  A record was kept of the birth dates of her grandchild, and she showed up at their homes on these days whenever she could.  When Grandma came, then each grandchild felt his day had been given its proper attention.

Her own birthday and that of her husband were occasions of considerable importance to Grandmother.  As soon as Christmas was over, she began giving thought to these coming events.  And her birthdays were something to remember.  Not only was the house filled with children and grandchildren; but many neighbors and friends came.  In her later years when each birthday was over, she liked to spend time recalling individually all of those who had come to honor her.
                                                                  Eliza's 95th Birthday

On her last birthday, her ninety-fifth, she met her guests, shook their hands and chatted with each one as they came in.  Then during the party she went among those present to make sure no one felt neglected.  To one she would show an album, to another she would ask a question concerning the health of a loved one.  She was genuinely happy in the love she felt for all present and at the same time secure in the knowledge that all loved and revered her too.

Grandmother had a real appreciation for beautiful things.  As her wedding dress was the pride of her younger days, so a brown dress she had made for herself was the pride of her later years.  This dress was the necklace she wore with it was well designed for her and became a favorite for dress up occasions.

She had always been a lover of flowers.  Geraniums were blooming the year round in the windows of her home and two large ferns added a homey touch to her front room.  Outside, flowers were planted to the north and west of the house.  Grandfather cared for this garden and kept the flowers blooming during most of the summer.

Grandmother enjoyed her trips to Salt Lake City for the purpose of visiting her daughter Dora and her son Martin.  Her youngest son, Vance, lived in Idaho, but that was too far away for her to visit.  She could, however, get to Salt Lake City even in her later years, and she availed herself of this opportunity as often as was possible.  Usually she came back from such trips with material for dresses to be given to her daughters.  It was characteristic of her to comment when she returned home, “It was good to get back, even though I have had a very good time.  I guess I enjoy my own home more than any other place.”

Over the years many gifts had been given to Eliza and Charles.  These gifts were prized possessions and Grandmother always enjoyed showing them to relatives and friends who visited her.  One of the oldest of such gifts was a set of silverware with the letter “M” engraved on each piece.  This gift was given them by the company when they left the stage coach station.

Grandmother enjoyed remarkably good health until she was ninety years of age.  After that there was a gradual breakdown in her body strength and endurance, but she remained active until just a few months before her death.

The only major accident of her long, active life came when she was 85 years of age.  She had opened the door that led to the cellar intending to go down for some materials.  However, something happened to keep her from doing as she had intended.  The door to the cellar was located on the floor of her small kitchen.  A few moments later, having completely forgotten the open door, she walked right into the opening.

Her leg was broken at the knee.   Dr. Beckstead instructed Aunt Edna, who was caring for her, to make Grandmother as comfortable as possible.  At the age of 85, he felt sure she would never walk again.  As the days passed Grandmother grew very tired of the chair to which she was confined, but she wouldn’t hear of getting a wheel chair.  That, she felt, would be an unnecessary expense.  Howe3ver, he son, Lorenzo, did rent a wheel chair for her.  She wasn’t too happy about this at first, but she soon learned it helped her to become much more comfortable.  Besides it made it possible for her to move about and thus pass time without so much difficulty.  Each day when weather permitted, she would get Aunt Edna to wheel her to the long porch at the south side of her living room where she could rest outside and enjoy the open air.

When Dr. Beckstead concluded that Grandmother would never walk again, he failed to take into consideration her particular brand of determination.  One day she said to her granddaughter, Audrey Hansen, “If you will hold to the back of my chair, I think I could stand up.”  The foot rests were moved to the side, and Grandmother did get to her feet.  Then after a moment she took a trembling step or two.  By her direction, the wheel chair was then moved out of the way, and with the help of her granddaughter, she held to the table and slowly worked her way around it.  In the days that followed, she repeated this painful action many times until she could get control of her legs. 

When the doctor came to see her later on, she greeted him from the wheel chair and then remarked, “Dr. Beckstead, I’ve got something to show you.”  She then repeated her routine of walking around the table for him.  He could hardly believe his eyes.  This event took place 11 years before her death.  Sometime after she had been walking again, she slipped on the same cellar steps and slid clear to the bottom.  This time she was not injured seriously.

When the time came that Grandmother could not care for herself, her youngest daughter, Edna and her family moved into the home to care for her.  Thus the desire of Grandmother’s heart was realized, and she was able to remain in the home that meant so much to her until the end.  Aunt Edna cared for her with a love and kindness that must have brought a deep sense of happiness and contentment to Grandmother after having devoted a life time to helping others.

In the fall of 1942, Grandmother began to lie down every day for several hours, something she had never done before.  During this time all of her children came in regularly to visit with her and to help in whatever way they could.  She still insisted upon walking about the home, inside and out.  She would also walk to the neighbors and ever to her daughter, Millie’s, who live a few blocks away.

On December 20, 1941, she became confined to her bed, and from that time on she was never left alone at night. Her daughters, daughters-in-law, and older granddaughters took turns staying with her at night.  Of course, the greatest respo9nsibility fell to Aunt Edna who was with her practically all of the time.  Grandmother knew that her time was ebbing out.  She spoke calmly of things she wanted done after she was gone, of personal belongings she wanted individual children to have.  Her bed was in her parlor, a room she particularly loved.  In one of her conversations with Aunt Edna, she reported to have said, “You will want to keep this as your front room.”  The thought that this room would be used by her daughter as she had used it, gave her an apparent sense of satisfaction.

During the last few days of her life the children living in Levan were with her practically all of the time.  Those from out of town all came to spend as much time with her as they could.  Grandmother passed away peacefully as she had lived, February 28, 1942.

All of her living children were at the funeral.  The chapel was a mass of beautiful flowers and packed to capacity with grandchildren, relatives and friends.  Services honoring her life of devotion to others were carried out as follows:

Invocation                               H. R. Francom

            Musical Selections                  Levan Ward Relief Society Chorus

            Tribute                                     G. Grant Gardner

            Speaker                                   Christian Christensen

            Instrumental Duet                   Elbert Gardner & Maynard Wankier

            Speaker                                   James Anderson

            Speaker                                   President Will L. Hoyt

            Closing Remarks                     Bishop Erastus Peterson

            Vocal Duet                              Willard Shepherd & Barbara Winter

                                                              Accompanied by Olive Taylor

            Benediction                             Niels Lundsteen

            Graveside Prayer                     LeGrande Mangelson

And so death came to Eliza Nielsen Mangelson as a period of rest after a busy, useful day.

The following history was written by George Grant Gardner, grandson in 1974.  Sources of information:  Histories prepared by Mary Eliza Mangelson Gardner and Audrey Hansen Dalby.  Taped and Written Tributes by:  Lorenzo Mangelson, Edna M. Hansen, Reuben Mangelson, Norma G. Bailey, Esther G. Connelly and Byron F. Christiansen.

Also, most of the photos were furnished by Heidi Shuler.  Thank you Heidi.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Carl (Charles) Frederick Mangelson

16 July 1839 to  3 Jan 1923

Carl Frederick Mangelson

Relationship:  Carl (Charles) Frederick Mangelson is my Great Grandfather; his son, Charles Adolph Mangelson is my grandfather; his daughter, Vera Mangelson Christensen is my mother.


In order to fully appreciate grandfather’s long and useful life, a clear understanding of two choices he made in his early life is of great importance.

            The first of these choices had to do with the religious faith he would follow throughout his life. Carl was born into the Lutheran church and had been carefully schooled in that faith by his aunt. He was fortunate to have been reared by this good woman who instilled in him many of the Christian virtues such as honesty, order, punctuality and cleanliness of body and thought. Even though his aunt was bitterly opposed to the new religious sect that came to Denmark, it could be said that she was indirectly responsible for his final decision with his wife to join that church. She had taught him to be spiritually minded and to be honest in thought and action. As he began to apply these attributes to the Lutheran religion, he was disappointed when in a number of ways it failed to measure up to the standards he had set for himself.  Lutheran teachings concerning God and responsibility for one’s own actions were among the Lutheran teachings he found difficulty in reconciling with his own ideals.

            Just prior to his marriage, Carl had served in the Danish army in its war with Germany over the Schleswig-Holstein area, between the two countries. Carl himself was German by nationality, although he was a citizen of Denmark. He had sisters living in Germany in the occupied area of Schleswig-Holstein.

            At a church service conducted for the army, a priest from the Lutheran church of which he was a member, prayed that the Danish army would be able to kill all of the Germans. This prayer outraged grandfather’s feelings. He could think only of his three sisters and their families living in the occupied area. This incident, added to other disappointments found in the Lutheran religion led to his leaving the church of his childhood. This was an extremely difficult decision for him to make. It would have been so much easier to make allowances for the church’s short-comings in favor of the good things it taught. Then, too, all of his friends and loved-ones were Lutherans. To leave the Lutheran church and especially to become a Mormon would undoubtedly mean the turning away of many friends and loved ones.

            But Carl, with the stubborn honesty taught him by his aunt, had weighed these dangers carefully. He applied the same honesty of thought to the new religion. In this religion, he found a concept of God and man’s relationship to Him, a doctrine of free agency of man, and a corresponding responsibility of man for his own actions that squared with his sense of justice and truth. He felt that on such a foundation he could build a good life for himself and his family in keeping with what he believed was his heavenly Father’s wishes. He made this important decision in full cooperation with his wife’s wishes. In fact, it was his wife’s father and mother who brought the gospel of Jesus Christ to Carl and Eliza, his wife.

Emma Eliza Nielsen
            The next important choice came in Carl and Eliza’s determination to come to America. After they were baptized into the Latter-day Saint’s church, they strongly desired to go to Zion to live where they might associate with those who believed as they believed.
            This again was not an easy decision. By this time, the young couple was comfortably located in Denmark. Carl had a good job in a dairy. There were other problems, too. Already one child had been born to them. Soon after its birth this child contracted whooping cough and died.

            Balanced against these problems in his way was the promise of the Lord recorded in Saint Matthew 6:33. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Undoubtedly Carl and Eliza knew of this scripture. Their calm confidence in the wisdom of the big step they would be taking reflected the faith they had in the Lord’s word.

            When the decision was made to immigrate to America, Carl went to his employer to ask for a loan of money to assist with financing their journey. His employer tried to discourage him. He said, “Why you don’t even know that you will be able to get a job when you reach this country.”

            Grandfather answered quietly, “I’ll get a job alright.”

            When it was evident that Carl could not be persuaded to remain in Denmark, the employer agreed to loan him the money. Thus the first important decision once made gave direction and strength to the making of the second.

            Carl Frederick Mangelson was born July 16, 1839 in Dronninglund, Hjorring, Denmark. His parents were Hans Tram and Margretha Pederson Mangelsen. Carl lived with his aunt until he was married as his parents died of cholera while he was still quite young. He was only three years of age when his mother died and seven when his father died. Carl could not go to the funeral of his father because he had to herd the geese that day.

            So his parents were unable to be much of an influence in his life. The real influence came from his aunt who took him into her home at the death of his parents. This aunt was a person of character. She spoke the German language in her home since she had come originally from Germany. She was a devout Lutheran and saw to it that her nephew was reared with a strong Christian background. She was a very orderly person, and Grandfather was taught in his childhood to have a place for everything and everything in its place. This trait of character was projected in all Carl did throughout his life.

            In this home he received training in honesty, order, punctuality, personal cleanliness and kindred virtues that became part of his character from childhood. He grew to be a young man with a rigid code of honor, honesty, moral in his actions, and with a kindly attitude toward his fellow men.

            At the age of twenty-three or twenty-four, Carl was inducted into the Danish army to fight against Germany in the Schleswig-Holstein War. His own ancestors were German and now he was fighting against Germany! It was during this time that he contracted typhoid fever and was very ill for some time.

            During an interlude in the war, Carl had an opportunity to visit with his sisters who were living in the Schleswig-Holstein area. He had not seen his sisters for some time, so the reunion must have been a happy one. Grandfather was not too well at the time due to his recent illness, and his sisters urged him to desert the Danish army and remain with them. This he said he could not do. First, he was loyal to his country, Denmark, and to its army. Besides he had a sweetheart in Denmark to whom he was betrothed.

            His sisters told him that if he went back to the Danish army, they never wanted to see him again. He did go back to fulfill his duty in the army, and he never did see his sisters again.

            After the war ended, Carl went back to Denmark to become part of civilian life there. It was not long until he had a good job in a dairy. His future seemed secure. Besides he was looking forward to marriage with the girl he had become engaged to prior to his service in the army.

            He was married to Eliza Nielson on March 27, 1864, when he was twenty-five years of age. The marriage took place at Hestoher Vero, Linderum Ooglit Sogon, Hjorring, Denmark. Since both he and his bride belonged to the Lutheran church, they were married by a Lutheran priest. Carl’s uncle gave them a home at the time of their marriage.

            Soon after their marriage Carl’s father and mother-in-law joined the Mormon Church. They persuaded Carl and Eliza to sell their home and come to live with them, so they could all study the Mormon religion together.

            The first real sadness to come into their married life came during the say in the parent’s home. A child was born to them during this time. The child lived only four months when she was stricken with whooping cough. There was little they could do to relieve it, and the child died.

            Soon after this, Carl’s uncle died, and his aunt wanted them to come to live with her. This they did, so they could help care for the woman who had cared so well for Carl in his youth. It was here their second child was born January 28, 1867. They named her Emelie.

            Carl’s aunt was bitter against the Mormons, but in spite of this opposition, he and his wife continued to study the new religion. Finally they were converted and were ready to join the church. They could not be baptized while in Carl’s aunt’s home, so they moved in again with Eliza’s parents. Now they could be baptized into the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

            After they had become members of the Mormon Church, the young couple was determined to come to America. They wanted to be with those of their own faith, because it was difficult to live with people they had known who had now become so bitter against them.

            To leave their native land and move to a strange, new land so far away was quite an undertaking for Carl and Eliza, but they had made up their minds and immediately began preparing for the journey to America.

            They had to sell their cow, furniture, household goods, and all the little things that were so dear to them for almost nothing. After they had gathered together all the money they could from their savings and the sale of their belongings, they were still short of funds. Actually they had to have money for three expeditions: one across the North Sea to England, another from England to New York, and a third from New York to Utah, the land of Zion as it was then called by the saints.
            To secure the additional funds necessary, Carl decided to go to his employer and ask for a loan. But his employer was not anxious to lose a good dairy man, so he tried to discourage Carl in the venture. First he reminded him that in Denmark he had a good job and would be secure here with his family for life. Then he expressed doubt that Carl would be able to find work in America. When this failed to discourage Grandfather, the employer offered him a promotion to director of seven small diaries, each one involving from eight to twelve diary cows, and each one run by three or four women and two men. A fine team of horses would be furnished to him and his work would be to travel around among the dairies and direct the complete operation.

            It was a very good offer, and Carl acknowledged it as such. He thanked his employer for the confidence placed in him. But he declined the generous offer. He told his employer he and his wife had made up their minds they would go to Utah and live with the saints there.           

            When it was evident that he could not change Carl’s mind, the employer agreed to loan him the money needed. However, when Carl informed his friend of his intention to go to America alone, and then send for his wife later, the employer strongly advised against such a plan. “You can’t go to America without your wife and child. I’ll loan you enough to pay their way too.” So the plan was changed to include Grandma and the little one.

            Grandfather was to repay the loan of one hundred dollars from the first money he earned in America. When Carl offered to sign a note to secure the loan, his employer reminded him that a note would be without value so far away unless he was determined to repay it. He said, “I am loaning you the money because I trust you. If I didn’t trust you, I would not let you have it.” Carl never forgot this experience, but he signed the note for his employer anyway.

            Finally the time for the long journey arrived. They had to cross the North Sea to get to England. The trip was to be made in a sail ship. They were three days in route, and the weather was so bad they had to turn and go back. Everyone on the ship was very ill. When the weather was better, the trip to England was made successfully. They were met in England by Mormon missionaries and were given a lunch of bread and milk. They then crossed England by rail to Liverpool. Here they boarded a steam ship to cross the Atlantic Ocean. There were many immigrants on board who were going to America. Several Mormon missionaries were in charge of the immigrant passengers. They were thirteen days crossing the ocean and had a very pleasant trip. The weather was good all the way and none of the party suffered form sea sickness.

            After landing in America, they stayed for two days in New York City and then started west by train.

            The train was carrying the first train load of immigrants to Utah, and people all along the way mocked and jeered at them. At one time some men on horses rode along by the train shouting curses at the Mormons. One of the parties shot at the train. The bullet went through the window where Eliza was sitting with her baby in her arms, and the glass from the shattered window fell in the seat to the side of them.

            The young couple was particularly worried about their luggage. Everything was strange to them in this new land and their baggage was all they had in the world.

            At this time the railroad was built to a place in Utah called Ogden Hole that was located just a short distance from the city of Ogden. Here they were met in July of 1869 by friends from Denmark who knew they were coming. They stayed in Ogden a few days and then traveled to Brigham City by team.

            It was urgent that Carl find work soon as funds brought with them were exhausted. They eagerly accepted a job with a man they met in Brigham City by the name of Jim Hansen. While Carl worked on the Hansen farm, his wife carded wool and wove it into cloth. They worked long hours and lived right in with the Hansen family. It was here that their first son was born on July 5, 1870. They named him Charles after his father. The custom was to hire out for a year at a time. That was the length of time Carl and Eliza stayed at the Hansen farm. At the end of the year they were paid one hundred dollars. Carl promptly sent all of it back to his former employer in Denmark to clear his debt. He had kept his word to the letter to pay this debt from the first money he earned in America.

            When Carl made known his intention to leave his first job, Jim Hansen offered him two-hundred dollars a year if he would stay for a second contract. But Carl refused. He realized, now, that Hansen had taken advantage of him that first year.

            After the debt back in Denmark was paid, Carl and Eliza had just enough money to buy a stove and a homemade bed. They rented a small place and worked at odd jobs as they were able to find them.

            About this time a man by the name of George Mason invited Carl to come and work for him. His ranch was near the Idaho line, and the job was quite similar to the one Carl had left in Denmark. He was to care for a small diary. Carl and his wife were glad to get steady work again, so they moved to the Mason ranch.

            There was plenty of work to do on this ranch. They had to milk fifty cows, make forty pounds of cheese and also butter every day. There were chickens to tend and of course the dairy cows. But there was always plenty to eat and Carl was given a separate room for his family. Their wage was a share in the profits. They had a good living while they were here, but it was hard to turn the produce they earned into cash.

            When Carl began his life in America, he decided to Americanize his name. He wanted to be called Charles instead of Carl, so his first name was changed to Charles. He also changed the spelling of his last name to Mangelson instead of the German spelling Mangelsen.

            They stayed in this position for about two years. During this time another son was born, September 16, 1872. He was given the name of Lorenzo.

            During the early years of Utah’s history, railroads did not reach many parts of the West, so stage coaches were used to carry mail and passengers. Each day these stage coaches passed by the ranch where Charles worked for George Mason. A stage station was nearby where the horses were changed. Such stations were built every fifteen miles. The horses had to travel fast, so they had to be changed often.

            When an opening came in the nearby stage coach station, Charles was able to get this job. The pay was sixty dollars a month—almost as much in one month as Grandfather and Grandmother had earned in a while hear a the Hansen farm. It was a real opportunity, because the pay was in actual money, a commodity that was always hard to get.

            At the stage coach station there was plenty of work to be done. There were no regular vacations. Each time a stage came in the horses had to be unhitched and fresh ones hitched to the coach. Then the tired horses had to be fed, watered, and curried until they shone like velvet. The harness had to be cleaned and polished. Two stages came in each day, one from the north and one from the south.

            After Charles had worked at the station for a short time, the schedule changed, and the passengers were to stop at the stage station for lunch. One stage came in at ten in the morning and the other at twelve. Usually there were two or three passengers and one stage driver. Eliza was assigned to do the cooking for them.

            In 1874 and after the Mangelsons had worked at the station for about two years, Eliza’s mother and father and her brother and sister came from Denmark. They stopped off in Salt Lake City. Charles and Eliza were able to get a week off from their job to meet the family. They took with them the stove they had bought as they were using the stove at the station. They also took forty pounds of cheese and a quilt as gifts for Eliza’s family. It was a happy reunion. The Mangelsons returned to their work at the station at the end of the week. Here on February 8, 1875, a daughter was born. She was given the name of Mary Eliza.

            In the spring of 1875, the railroad across the continent was completed and the stage coaches were eliminated. Charles and Eliza were again out of work.

            This time, however, they had some money saved—in fact, they had been able to save nearly all the money earned at the stage coach station. With this money they planned to buy a home.

            In the meantime, the Nielsen family had moved to Levan, Utah, and had secured a home there. They wrote to Charles and Eliza urging them to come and make their home in Levan. Because Grandfather and Grandmother wanted very much to be near their folks, it was decided that they too would move to Levan. They bought a fine team of horses, harness, and a wagon for the trip. Then as they came through Salt Lake City, they bought what furniture they could afford.

            At Levan they purchased a four-acre lot with a small log house. With this purchase their savings were gone, and times were hard. There were literally no opportunities for making money in Levan. Charles and Eliza because very discouraged and perhaps wondered at the wisdom of coming here to live. But Levan was to be their home for the rest of their lives. Here five more children were born; Charity Matilda, September 23, 1877; Martin Wilford, February 23, 1880; Dora Otilia, July 6, 1882; Edna Christince, December 123, 1884; and Fred Vance, March 3, 1887.

            Charles immediately took up some land, but he found it necessary to go back to Brigham City area to work for a time in order to earn money necessary for the care of his family. When he returned he began to farm the land he had homesteaded. This required a lot of hard work. The land was covered with sage brush that had to be cleared off before it could be plowed. The plowing itself was tedious and tiresome as it had to be done with a small hand plow drawn by a team of horses. But Charles was young and strong and full of determination. When he made up his mind to do something, he had a way of pushing obstacles aside. But often the returns from his labor were as discouraging as the summers were hot and dry. The lack of water for irrigation to mature the grain crop was the chief source of his worries.

            But Charles labored on, adding to his farm as he was able, to make of it an adequate support for his growing family. After some years his sons were able to help him with the farm work. Also, new and improved machinery was coming into use that lightened his work considerably and made it possible for him to farm additional ground. Grandfather bought the first reaper and mower in Levan. He also bought the first binder. With his son, Lorenzo, he did custom work cutting grain to add to the family income and to help pay for the machinery purchased. With this binder it was possible to cut an average of fourteen acres per day.

            Part of the land Charles had homesteaded west of Levan, he was later able to sell for one dollar and fifty cents per acre. He drove a pipe thirty feet deep on the farm and struck water. The water came up to a height of six feet in the pipe.

            Grandfather took considerable pride in his home. He was continually making improvements in the house itself and in his barn, stable, grainery, and tool room. Here again he encountered serious problems. His barn and sheds burned down twice. After each burn out he patiently replaced the buildings, using the misfortune as an opportunity to make improvements in the buildings as they were reconstructed.

            He only attended school for three days during his lifetime. This did not mean in any sense that he was uneducated. His life was a continuous self-education project. He not only learned to speak the English language, but also to read and to write it effectively. Because of his determination to improve himself, he was called to a number of positions of responsibility during his life.

            Charles had come to this country because of his religion and all during his life he tried hard to apply its principles to his own actions. These principles, so important to him, he did his best to teach to his children. He encouraged them to accept responsibilities in the church. The Sabbath day was strictly observed in his home, and careful preparations were always made on Saturday so it could be observed properly. The principle of integrity and dependability he had learned so well form his aunt in the old county, he now sought to make part of his children’s lives. He had never forgotten the lesson he had learned in the value of having a good name as he had learned it from his employer in Denmark. Strict honesty was an important part of his religion not only because God had required it, but also because it made very good sense to him. He taught his children that to be honest meant that they pay their small debts each year and then pay interest on the larger ones. His advice concerning the paying of interest is noteworthy since at that time little interest was paid or expected to be paid.

            Grandfather not only taught his children that they should accept church assignments willingly; he set the example for them. He worked in the Sunday School and also served as the Elders Quorum President of the Levan Ward. He made several trips to Salt Lake City by way of team for the purpose of attending conferences at the church headquarters. The trip to the conference took three days and the return trip four days. Thus he traveled seven days in order to attend four days of conference meetings.

            In 1910 Charles and Eliza completed the sealing of their four oldest children to the family unit for time and all eternity. The sealing took place in the Manti Temple. The five younger children were born in the covenant since the parents were sealed together in 1875.

            Charles performed many duties required in a pioneer society beyond the scope of his religious activities and the responsibilities involved in operating his farm. He spent considerable time working on canyon roads in order to make timber in the canyon available to his neighbors and town people. He carried the mail from Levan to Juab from ten to twelve o’clock each night for several years. He served as justice of peace in Levan for a number of years. The fact that he had succeeded in educating himself without formal schooling. But his greatest contribution made as justice came because of his real concern for his fellow men. Often his natural friendliness toward others saved him from serious trouble. A good example of his wisdom in dealing with people is reflected in the advice he often gave. “Put a good fence between you and your neighbor and you will always be friends.”

            He served for some time as the manager of community dances. At that time dances were under the supervision of the Church and only square dances were permitted. One waltz, however, was allowed at each party. This restriction often caused friction and Charles had a hard time satisfying the young people with but one round dance. There were further dance restrictions too. Not enough space was available in the dance hall for everyone to dance at once. Each person attending the dance was given a number. Then before each dance number participants were admitted to the floor by grandfather’s calling out just enough numbers to fill the sets. At times someone would “ring on” and then Charles would have to get the guilty ones off the floor.

            During one of the dances, it was reported to grandfather that some men were going to lay for him after the dance. When he was ready to leave, the men were waiting on the steps. He approached them without hesitation as though nothing were wrong. “Isn’t it a nice night,” he said. “Did you have a good time?” The men turned and walked away without a word.

            For each of these dances that Charles managed he was expected to arrange the benches, sweep the floor, clean the coal-oil lamps and light them, besides managing the dance. For this service he was paid fifty cents per evening.

            At one particular Relief Society dance a group of rough characters decided they were going to break up the dance. They first slipped around unnoticed and blew out all the coal-oil lamps, leaving the hall in darkness. Finally the lamps were re-lighted and the dance continued. Then the group came right onto the dance floor and engaged in fights with the dancers. One man, Chris Timker, was pretty badly beaten up in the fracus that followed. After the dance two of the intruders came to Tinker’s home and demanded that he come out. They were determined to settle a grudge. Tinker’s wife called back, “No, he isn’t coming out tonight.”

            The next morning when Tinker went out to his corral, the two men stepped out from behind the hay stack and began to shoot at him. One of the bullets just whizzed by Tinker’s head. He ran back to the house for his own gun. Pushing the barrel through the window, he began to shoot. One of the two men was killed, but the other one jumped behind the haystack and got away.

            Tinker then came to Charles’ home and told his story. He had come to give himself up. Grandfather took him to the jail in Nephi. When grandfather was ready to leave for home, Tinker broke down and cried, “You can’t leave me here alone. They have sworn to kill me if it is the last thing they do.” So Charles stayed overnight in the jail with a man who had just killed another man to protect himself. This story is an indication of grandfather’s concern for others.

            Tinker was taken to Manti to stand trial. He was released as a free man by the judge. During the trial it was reported that the two men came into Tinker’s bedroom and struck matches to see how badly he was hurt. The judge told Tinker that was the time he should have killed them both.

            After Charles had served as justice of peace for a time, he was asked to give up that job to become constable. This was a real difficult and dangerous job. Needless to say, such a position was not easy to fill. But Grandfather had deepened his understanding of people while he was justice. He felt confident that he could handle the position that was offered to him.

            At that time Juab was the terminal point of the railroad. It was a rip-roaring frontier town. It had three saloons and always managed to produce its share of rough characters. At one time Anton Brown, one of Juab’s saloon keepers called Charles at Levan. He reported that there were three men who were drinking heavily and disturbing the peace who should be taken into custody. He advised Grandfather to bring a wagon and some help as these men were real hard characters.

            When Grandfather had the men pointed out to him, he approached one and said, “You have been disturbing the peace and I have a warrant for your arrest. I am here to take you to the jail in Nephi.”

            The man laughed and said, “You are not going to take me anywhere.”

            Grandfather warned him that if he refused to come peacefully, he would be put in handcuffs. Again the man laughed, “Why don’t you do that,” he said. So he was put in handcuffs, but he immediately stripped them off again. His wrists were so large in proportion to the size of his hands that the cuffs would not stay on when presser was exerted. Handcuffs were just a game for him.

            Charles warned him that he and his companions would be taken to jail one way or another. As he spoke, Charles took out his revolver. The men got into the wagon and started for Levan. Ordinarily, they would have gone straight to the jail in Nephi, but it was so late Grandfather took the men to his home in Levan. Grandmother cooked them a good evening meal and a good breakfast the next morning. The men slept on the kitchen floor and Grandfather slept on the cot in the same room. The next morning the men were taken to the jail in Nephi. They had been treated with kindness, and they caused no trouble. Charles had a way with people, even the rough ones.

            Grandfather also served his community as a school trustee and as a water master. One of his grandsons, Reuben Mangelson relates this account of the coming of the first water system to Levan: “They let contracts out to get the trenches dug. Eric Peterson and I took a contract for a half block. We were around the age of thirteen or fourteen years. While we were spading the trench, Grandfather came over where we were working. He never said a word, but walk—to his home, returning in a few minutes with his scoop shovel. He said, “Take this shovel to clean out in the bottom of the trench.” That is the way he would have done it, but we were too little to handle the scoop. When we got the half block done, we were paid thirteen dollars.”

            Grandfather had two serious accidents during his life. The first occurred when he was nearly fifty years of age. He was working near the tumbling rod that converted horse driven power to the threshing machine, when he became entangled in the fast-moving rod. The doctor said there were many bones broken as well as numerous bruises. The bones could not be set until the swelling was reduced, which would take several days. During that time, Charles suffered a great deal of pain, and the elders were called in to administer to him. Several elders came to assist and they all knelt about the bed in prayer. Charles bore testimony many times that the bones went into place while the prayer was being offered. As the elders arose to their feet, he said, “I could hear the bones go into place. When the doctor came to set the bones, he was surprised to find no bones that needed to be set.”

            The second accident involved a broken leg and came when he was seventy-five years of age. The Reese doctors who attended him told Grandmother to make him as comfortable as possible. They didn’t expect he would ever walk again. However, it wasn’t long before he wanted some crutches, and when the doctor came again, he was in the kitchen. Grandfather lived nine years after that accident and was able to do some work again.

            When he was no longer able to farm, he spent his time keeping up the home, gardening, and raising fruits. Many of his children and grandchildren can well remember the fresh vegetables and fruits he used to share with his relatives and friends.

            Charles took real pride in the four acres of ground that was his home. His farm buildings were always in good repair, including the barn and stable he had rebuilt after two fires. He was good to his animals and enjoyed caring for the horses, cows, sheep, and chickens kept on the home lot to supplement to farm income.

            He was especially fond of horses. It is quite likely that this interest dated back to his work at the stage coach station during his early life in America. Here Grandfather learned first hand how important it was to give good, consistent care to the horses in his care. Only then could they be expected to perform well as stage animals. His day by day care of the stage coach horses taught him to understand their needs and to develop a special feeling for them that remained with him all of his life. He came away from this job with a much greater appreciation of the important role horses were playing in the settlement of the West.

            When the decision was made to move from the Box Elder area to Levan, Charles purchased his first team of horses to haul the family belongings to the new home. He knew, also, that once they had arrived at Levan, the team would be invaluable in getting him established as a farmer. It is not difficult to imagine the pride he took in this first team he had ever owned. They were pinto in color and were named Selaman and Rowdy. Their ancestors were the hardy Indian stock and the heavier animals brought in by Johnson’s army. During the early years at Levan, this fine team served the family well in many ways. They were Grandfather’s pride and joy.
            At one time soon after the family’s arrival at the new home, the team got loose and disappeared. Grandfather trailed them clear back to Box Elder County, a distance of two hundred miles before he found them. With homing instinct they had traveled straight to their birth place.

            Grandfather had other horses after Selaman and Rowdy, and he took care of them with the same understanding and concern. His boys grew up to share his feeling for animals. Grandfather taught them that you could expect good service from animals only if you cared for them well. Charles Adolph and Lorenzo, two of his sons, like their father, owned fine horses all of their lives and their care and concern for4 their animals reflected their good home training in this respect.    

            The farm building that intrigues his grandsons as boys was his tool shop. Here Grandfather’s flair for orderliness was especially evident. He had learned to take good car of materials and equipment with which he worked as a boy in the old county. For his family, Grandfather put this concept of orderliness in the form of a motto: “A place for everything and everything in its place.” He taught the concept well to his children. They, too, always felt uncomfortable with disorder and sought to apply the motto taught to them as they organized their own homes.

            As grandsons, Glenn Mangelson and I found real fascination for Grandfather’s tool shop whenever we were permitted to go there with him. He would take time to explain to us the use of each tool that aroused our interest. I remember they were neatly arranged on the walls all around us. We were also permitted to make regular trips to the fruit and vegetable cellar under the grainery and tool shop to help ourselves to the apples stored there. As a youngster, I can recall no greater pleasure than to spend a Sunday afternoon at the home of Grandpa and Grandma Mangelson.

            Grandfather’s lot was one of the most productive places in town. One part of it was an apple and fruit orchard that supplied fruit for a large family year after year. A smaller fenced-off area immediately east of the house was always planted to garden vegetables. Then the south side of the lot, east of the barn and corral was usually planted to corn and potatoes.

            One of the pictures that remains clearly in my memory is of Grandfather seated at the foot of one of the shocks of tall corn that dotted his backyard. He was well advanced in years at this time, but he was still determined to shuck a little corn at a time to be stored in the grainery for the animals.

            I can still see him sitting in his rocking chair by the south window of the living room overlooking his yard and out-buildings quietly smoking his pipe. This was one habit he disliked very much which he had been unable to discard. In his later years doctors had advised against his attempting to break the habit. They feared the shock it would have on his weakened body.

            At one time while I was still very young, I became part of an incident later related to me by my mother. I had been watching Grandfather smoke his pipe for a few moments on this occasion when I said to him, “Grandpa, when I get big, I am going to smoke a pipe like you.”

            According to my mother, this childish remark distressed Grandfather very much. “Oh no, you’re not,” he said. “You see when I was a boy about your age my uncles placed a pipe in my mouth, filled it with tobacco, and lit it for me. They told me that was the way to be a man. But you have been taught differently,” he continued. “You must always leave tobacco alone. It can bring you nothing but harm and unhappiness.”     

            In his later years Grandfather tried hard to care for his lot even during the last summer of his life when the least exertion threatened to bring on another heart attack. He was suffering from hardening of the arteries. These conditions gradually became worse until the pain became almost unbearable. He passed to his rest on January 3, 1923 at the age of eight-one and one-half years.

            Grandfather’s home was always open to his children, grandchildren, and his friends. Many happy times were spent here. Love and concern for others was the motivating power that directed his long and useful life.

[ the following information was taken from the book History of Box Elder County, 1851 to 1937, written by Lydia Walker Forsgren, a DUP member.  Book is located at Family History Library, US & Canada floor, call # 979.242 H2f, page 310.]
(quoting from the above book “Mound Springs which was always a good camp site for emigrants and trappers, was first settled in the spring of 1874 by John Tims, James Spencer, Jarvis Mansfield, George Mason and Charles Mangelson.  At the time Gilmore and Salisbury were carrying mail from Salt Lake to Montana, Charles Mangelson was keeper of the mail station at Mound  Springs.  Mound Springs is located four miles north of Plymouth, Utah)