Sunday, March 30, 2014

Emma Nielsen Mangelson

Emma Nielsen Mangelson (my grandmother)

The Nielsen Twins (their father is Mads Nielsen)

The twins, Emma Nielsen Mangelson and
Hanna Nielsen Hemmingway or Krogh
Emma is my grandmother

Charles Mangelson Family

The Charles Mangelson Family
(back row L to R)
Evanelle & Glen Mangelson, James & Vera Christensen, Inez & Karl Zaugg,
Anna Mae & Karl Newton
(front row L to R)
Ruby & Austin Mangelson, Emma & Charles Mangelson, Vivian & Vern Mangelson

Friday, March 28, 2014

Charles Fredrick Mangelson

I am in the process of changing my Family Search records from PAF to Roots Magic.  In the process I came across the following:

Carl Frederik Mangelson, my great grandfather, changed his name to Charles Frederik Mangelson in 1870.